2 Kid-Friendly Kitchen Adjustments That Will Benefit You Too

Posted on: 2 March 2018

When it comes to remodelling a kitchen with kids in mind, it's easy to let children take over the whole project. You may have found yourself thinking exclusively about how to make your new kitchen child friendly, forgetting to think about how to make it you friendly too. Your children won't be children forever, and you probably won't want to remodel your kitchen every few years, so it's important to create a space that you love—not just one that suits your kids. Luckily, there are many kitchen renovations and adjustments that have benefits for both children and adults. Here are 2 you might like.

Soft-Close Drawers and Cabinets

Soft-close drawers and cabinets use special hinges that make slamming impossible. Unsurprisingly, this makes them a great choice for family kitchens. Children easily get their tiny fingers trapped in a door that's slamming shut, which can result in a lot of pain and a possible trip to the emergency room. Soft-close kitchen hinges ensure that drawers and cabinets close slowly, giving kids plenty of time to move their hands and reducing the risk of pain if a door does close on them.

Having soft-close doors installed can save parents a lot of headaches, but not just because they're more child safe. Their slow closing mechanism is also virtually silent, so you'll never have to hear the unsettling bang of a slammed drawer again. On top of that, they improve the longevity of both your cabinets and their contents. Slammed doors can rattle the dishes inside a cabinet, putting them at risk of breaking, and slamming also puts stress of the unit. With soft-close hinges, you won't need to worry about anything getting smashed, and you'll find that cabinets and drawers need less maintenance (saving you more money).

Higher Counters

Young children and kitchen utensils don't mix, but keeping kids away from knives and other dangerous items can be hard when counters are low enough for them to reach. Having higher counters makes it easier to stop your children reaching things they shouldn't while they're in the troublesome toddler stage, giving you peace of mind while you're cooking.

Alongside being more childproof, higher counters can also be beneficial to adults. Many people have kitchen counters that are too low without even realising it. When you prepare food at a low counter, you have to bend your back. This can quickly lead to back pain or discomfort in your arms and neck. If you find that you can't stand upright when cooking, a higher countertop could be the pain-relieving solution you need.


How Remodelling Can Improve Your Kitchen

If you are feeling bored with the interior of your home, maybe it is time to call in a team of remodelling contractors. This is what I did. It all started when I looked at a photograph taken in my kitchen around 20 years ago. I noticed that the kitchen had not changed at all. It was so depressing. The kitchen had always annoyed me because the shelves were not in a good position and there wasn't enough counter space. I knew I needed to do something. I called a local remodelling contractor and asked him to come around. He carried out the work in a few weeks and I am really pleased with the results.


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